How to Circumvent a Non-Compete Agreement

As an SEO professional, you understand the importance of having a robust online presence. However, there may come a time when you`re faced with a non-compete agreement that limits your ability to work in your field. Fortunately, there are ways to circumvent a non-compete agreement and continue working in your field.

Here are some practical tips on how to get around a non-compete agreement:

1. Consult With an Attorney

The first and most important step in circumventing a non-compete agreement is to consult with a qualified attorney. A legal professional can help you understand the scope of your non-compete agreement and advise you on the best course of action. They can also help you identify any loopholes or legal gray areas that may be exploited to your advantage.

2. Negotiate With Your Employer

If you`re still employed by the company that imposed the non-compete agreement, you may be able to negotiate your way out of it. If the company perceives you as a valuable asset, they may be willing to make some concessions to keep you on board. Try to negotiate with your employer to reduce the scope of the non-compete agreement or lift it altogether.

3. Explore Alternative Work Options

If negotiating with your current employer isn`t an option, consider exploring alternative work options. You can look for employment opportunities in companies that don`t compete with your former employer or work as a freelancer or consultant. The internet has endless opportunities for remote work, which can enable you to work from anywhere and still be profitable.

4. Start Your Own Company

Another way to circumvent a non-compete agreement is to start your own company that doesn`t compete with your former employer. You can leverage your industry experience and knowledge to create a new business that offers a unique product or service. While starting your own company can take time and resources, it can be a positive long-term solution for your career goals.

5. Focus on Building Your Personal Brand

Finally, you can circumvent a non-compete agreement by focusing on building your personal brand. By producing high-quality content and engaging with your audience on social media, you can establish yourself as an industry expert and create new career opportunities for yourself.


A non-compete agreement can be a significant obstacle in your career path, but it`s not the end of the road. By exploring alternative work options, starting your own company, focusing on building your personal brand, and consulting with an attorney, you can continue to work in your field despite the non-compete agreement. Remember, it`s crucial to take the necessary steps to protect your reputation, career, and financial stability when attempting to circumvent a non-compete agreement.